Travel Sickness. Travel sickness Central America. Food poisoning. Food poisoning treatments in central america. Intestinal parasitic Infections. Parasite Treatment in central america. Intestinal bacterial Infections. Intestinal antibiotic treatments in central america. Amebic Dysentery. Amebic infections. Amebic dysentery treatment in central america. Parasitic Infection treatment in central america. Treatments for nausea, vomiting and diarreah. Intestinal worm infections. Intestinal worm infestation treatments in central america. Intestinal fungus infections. Intestinal fungus treatments in central america. Natural remedies against intestinal bacterial infections. Natural remedies against parasitic intestinal infections. Natural remedies against intestinal worm infections. Natural remedies against intestinal fungal infections. Natural remedies against food poisoning. Natural remedies in central america. Immodium. Tetracycline. Dosycycline. Flagyl. Enemas. Enemas with salt and hydrogen peroxide. Enema with salt. Enema with hydrogen peroxide. Pepto Bismol. Kaopectate. Kaopectate with neomycin. Dengue. Colera. Malaria. Milk of magnesia. Acidophilis. Water. Water and suero. Gatorade. Powerade. Stomach Distress. Intestinal Distress.
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To begin with, there is a vast difference between a STOMACH PROBLEM and an INTESTINAL PROBLEM. In Central America, both are described commonly as "dolor de estomoco" or stomach pain. But the sufferer can easily feel if thereīs stomach pain or intestinal pain. If you are unlucky enough to not know your own body and risk yourself to the hands of largely incompetent "professionals" you had better at least let them know the difference between where it hurts in the stomach or the intestines.
There is probably nothing more painful than food poisoning or an intestinal infection whether at home or travelling. Fortunately, with a little prudence and bodily awareness, combined with simple and clever, simple remedies (which in Central America is available in any farmacia without prescription) one can be good as new in 24 to 48 hours.
Colera, Denue Fever, Malaria
Colera appears much like food poisoning, with fever, vomiting, & diarreah. What separates the two is that in food poisoning, one finds relief after a couple of hours, treated correctly. Also, if it turns out that you do have colera, the treatment for food poisoning will do no harm and is in fact the first treatment against colera. But you will be so completely drained of energy you will no doubt be in a hospital within 48 hours if you get colera. THERE HAS BEEN ALMOST NO INCIDENCE OF COLERA IN CENTRAL AMERICA SINCE 1997.
Dengue fever, can be recognized by a sharp pain in the root of the mouth accompanied by a splitting headache, no vomiting or diarreah, until the next day or two, together with horrible joint pain and wretching intestinal pain. Again, some of these symptoms can be confused with food poisoning or intestinal infection, but once again, the first treatments used will help you feel better if it turns out that you do have something more serious. DENGUE INFECTIONS ARE DOWN TO ABOUT 300 PER YEAR IN COSTA RICA IN 1999.
Malaria, usually takes 2 weeks to a month to develop symptoms, and in Central America it is unlikely that one gets malaria without very bad luck or a very long time in bananna growing regions at the mercy of many mosquitos. MALARIA IS PRACTICALLY UNKNOWN TO CENTRAL AMERICA EXCEPT TO BANANA WORKERS ON THE CARIBBEAN COAST- ABOUT 3500 CASES PER YEAR.
Natural Remedies
While pharmaceutical remedies against stomach and intestinal distress are very limited in the case of chronic problems like ulcers, spastic colon, "undetermined" intestinal pain, in the case of travellers diarreah there are easy, fast acting, effective, little or non-toxic, inexpensive remedies.
In the case of stomach and intestinal distress, start with PEPTOL BISMOL. IT IS NATURAL, FAST, CHEAP.
Do not use any drug to paralyse the intestines. Diarreah will stop with simple remedies and while you are taking water thereis no risk of dehidration.
Pepto Bismol, Kaopectate, and similar remedies

Pepto Bismol, and Kaopectate are Natural Remedies. Read the label. Kaopetate with a little "neomicina" or neomycin can be found in some countries. Itīs a mild antibiotic dose and helps provide quick relief and works to eliminate the cause the of problem in some cases.

These drugs and antacids should be used just once or at most once a day because they interfer with the absorption of antibiotics and can mask the problem while it grows worse.

When you have a wound, the first thing you do is wash it with water, soap and water, or antiseptic and water. The intestines are VERY easy to wash. An enema provides blessed relief in any intestinal problem. If you have the guts to do it you will be happy you did.

In the case of bacterial infection, an enema with  a little hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) added (50 ml. to 1 ltr.) kills and removes bacteria, infected mucus, and infected fecal matter.

Immodium (loperamide HCL)

Immodium paralyses your intestinal tract. Unless you have been diagnosed in the hospital with colera, you do NOT want to paralyze your intestinal tract. You want to keep things moving. For the better.

You must take water, Gatorade, Powerade, or water with "suero" or body salts (bought in the pharmacy for US$ 0.20) to make up for the fluid you loose by diarreah. A big gulp of Pepto Bismol or Kaopectate will help to normalize the chemistry within your intestines and greatly diminish diarreah while allowing the normal amount to diarreah to continue that lets out the toxins and infection. You donīt want to keep the infection inside!

Stomach Distress - Causes and Remedies

Stomach distress is usually food poisoning. The usual causes are soap or other chemical from an improperly washed plate or utensil contaminating the food, rancid/spoiled meat, rancid oil, spoiled milk, anything introduced in the food that you are not accostomed to or are allergic to.

I have rarely been food poisoned, or met someone else who was, who did not know intuitively what is was that caused the problem. The onset of the vomiting from food poisoning takes from 5 minutes to 4 hours. Inevitably, the victim will be heard to say, "it was that greasy rice", or "I thought that meat tasted funny".

Diarreah does not always accompany food poisoning, although it usually does.


Intestinal Distress - Causes and Remedies

Now is where things get a little complicated. Normally, intestinal distress means intestinal infection and is accompanied by diarreah, feelings of nausea, loss of apetite, and intestinal pain, especially in the lower left side of the abdomen.

An intestinal infection means that you have had from 3 days to 1 week to develop this problem and the SOONER you recognize and treat the problem - even 10:00 at night - the sooner it will go away. If it gets worse, it could rob you of many days of fun for just putting off  treatment for 12 hours.

If you are in Guatemala, there are so many cases of parasitic infections that you can easily find a doctor for US$ 10 to do a poop test US$ 10 and in 3 hours you have three prescriptions in your hands. Find out the results of the test. It is usually parasites and the doctor knows just what kills the parasites and which antbiotic works the best to get back on your feet in a day.

A lab test is the surest way to treat if itīs correct and fast. Otherwise, you are loosing valuable time GUESSING. Not scientific and not intelligent.

If you are taking cloroquine (400 mg.) 4 times per month, you have protection against malaria and parasites.


Parasitic Infection, Bacterial Infection Worms Fungus
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